----Traits Traits help you to define your character in terms of personality and physical attributes. Imagine a trait as an adjective that would be used to pick your character from a crowd, or describe her personality to a friend. They flavor everything your character does, changing the way your character goes about almost every action, and often establishing how others interact with them. Every character begins play with two traits. Once selected, they cannot be changed, and characters do not receive additional traits as they progress as they represent immutable characteristics or skills developed over the course of many years or as part of your childhood or adolescence. Traits function much like races - they provide (mostly) static bonuses and abilities, that are not likely to change over the life of your character. --Animal Friendly Your ability to calm and befriend animals is uncanny. Many animals come to you fearlessly - it’s not uncommon for birds to alight on your shoulder or for small animals to climb up your arms or legs. You've even been known to make an ill-tempered bear leave you alone or a vicious guard dog let you by. Animal Companion: You gain a loyal animal companion, who accompanies you and follows your instructions. Select a creature from the following list: [ANIMAL COMPANION CHART] While your companion is a normal creature of its type, your bond with it allows you to treat it as trained - even if it not. Choose [X] tricks (see [ANIMAL TRAINING] animal training for more info) that your companion knows, in addition to any training it may already have. If your companion dies, you may spend 1d6 days searching for another. Animal Whisperer: You have advantage on all ability checks to interact with animals. Sooth the Savage Beast: You may attempt to calm a hostile animal within 30 ft. You must speak to it (although it doesn’t need to understand your words), and it must see you. As an action, make a Charisma check contested by a Wisdom saving throw from the animal. If successful, the creature remains calm for one minute or for as long as you focus all your attention on it. The effect end immediately if you or your companions take a hostile action towards the creature. Trainer: Whenever you receive a bonus feat, you may select a feat with [BEAST MASTER] Beast Master as a prerequisite in place of the eligible list. --Bewitching You have an alluring physical trait that grants you the uncanny ability to manipulate others. Perhaps your eyes are a strange, captivating color or your voice has deep timber that resonants with others. Hypnotizing Presence: While you are present, no NPC may have a hostile attitude toward you in a social encounter (see [SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS] social encounters for more info) without succeeding on a Charisma saving throw equal to your Charisma score. An NPC may only make one such save per day. Enthralling: You can attempt to distract a non hostile NPC. As long as you focus all of your attention on an NPC who is not hostile towards you, that NPC has disadvantage on all ability checks to notice anything but you. Spellbinding: Creatures have disadvantage on any save made to resist enchantment or charm spells you cast. --Bloodthristy You enjoy inflicting pain on others and the sight of blood stirs you into a minor frenzy. [MORE FLAVOR TEXT] Bloodlust: If you deliver a single attack that deals more than 10 damage, immediately roll your skill die - you gain a number of vitality points equal to the result. Unnerving: You have advantage on all ability checks made to intimidate or otherwise scare others, however you have disadvantage on all other social interactions. --Brave [FLAVOR TEXT] Fearless: You are immune to fear effects. Infectious Courage: Allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against fear effects. Unabashed: You have disadvantage on all checks involving lying or deception. --Deranged Your mind is disordered and chaotic, leaping from one concept to another without any rhyme or reason that others can detect. Your actions and behavior may be eccentric, but your unusual cognitive processes also render you more resistant against mental attacks and evaluations. Status Quo: You are immune to any effect that causes confusion. Unpredictable: Opponents suffer disadvantage when using any spell or ability to evaluate or predict your actions. Abyssal Mind: If you resist a charm or compulsion effect, the caster must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Charisma Score or suffer from confusion for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. --Astute [Retentive?] You have near perfect recall, allowing you to remember minor details from events that others have long forgotten. [MORE FLAVOR TEXT] Eidetic Memory: If you have any questions about a prior event in the game, such as a person’s name, a password, or specifics of what happened in a given interaction, your DM must provide you the details even if you, as a player, have forgotten them. You do not remember extremely fine details that you did not directly study, such as the text of a book left open on a desk, but you can remember the general gist of the book or the topic the passage covered. You always remember faces, names, and the sequence of events. Concomitant Cartographer: As part of a long rest, you may make a map of the area you recently traveled just as if you had chosen 'Map Making' as your exploration task while travelling. You may make a DC 10 Intelligence check to make an accurate map of any location you have visited. A failed intelligence check requires that you get another long rest before attempting to recall the information. [NEEDS SOMETHING] --Strong Willed You’re tough-minded, willful, and independent. No one can talk you into anything or change your mind when you don’t want it changed. Willful: You are immune to all charm and compulsion effects. Stubborn: Once per short rest you may add your skill die to any saving throw. Obstinate: You are trained in one less skill than you otherwise would be. If you fail the initial saving throw against an illusion, you have disadvantage on al subsequent attempts to save against or disbelieve that illusion. Additionally, you have disadvantage on any task that involves critical thinking such as solving puzzles or problems. --Inspiring You possess an innate ability to bring out the best work in others, in and out of combat. With a few words of encouragement from you or your determined effort to lead the way, your allies are inspired to fight beyond their normal capability. Rousing Cry: Once per short rest you may take a standard action to inspire heroics in a number of allies equal to your Charisma modifier. Affected targets gain a number of vitality points equal to your character level + your Charisma modifier until the end of combat. You cannot target yourself with this ability. Muse: Any craft check made by others in your presence is made with advantage. --Clever --Graceful You are exceptionally lithe, flexible, and, dexterous. You move with grace and elegance while making it look effortless. Light-footed: You may treat your weight as half of its actual value whenever beneficial to you (encumbering mounts, triggering traps, etc.) as long as you are conscious. Lithe Acrobat: You have advantage on all checks made to dance, balance, move silently, or otherwise move with precision. Additionally, you advantage on all attempts to resist Bullrush, Trip & Overrun attempts. Double Jointed: You have advantage on all checks made to squeeze into or out of tight places - including escape a grapple, shackles, or other restraints. --Broad-Shouldered You are bigger and stronger than almost anyone you know and our exceptional build allows you to carry and use tools and weapons that others would find unwieldy. Built like an Ox: You are also treated as a creature of one size larger for the purposes of calculating your carrying loads. Sizable Advantage: Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a contest or attack, you are treated as two sizes larger if doing so is advantageous. Mighty Build: You may have custom weapons built that would be too unwieldy for others to use. Having such a weapon made costs twice the normal weapon cost, and increases the damage die one step (see [WEAPON SIZES] weapon sizes for more info). Anyone attempting to use one of your custom weapons without this trait has disadvantage. Bull in a China Shop: You have disadvantage on all checks made move silently, hide, balance, or to squeeze into or out of tight places. --Perceptive ?? --Resilient You can overcome injuries and can fight off the ill effects of poison, disease, and similar ailments. [MORE FLAVOR TEXT] Hang Tough: Once per short rest, as a move action, you may spend a number of hit-dice equal to your constitution modifier. Roll those dice and immediately add them to your hit point total. Robust: You recover hit dice equal to twice your constitution modifier each long rest. Additionally, you recover 2 ability points when spending hit dice to recover from ability damage. Uncompromising Metabolism: Poisons, Potions, Oils, Ointments & other alchemical substances have no effect on you unless double the amount of the substance is used. A dose is considered doubled if twice the amount is used initially, or if a second does is applied the subsequent round. Thus you would have to fail two saving throws against a spiders poison within two rounds for it to have any effect, or you would have to imbibe 2 cure light potions in order to heal 1d8+1 damage. --Shadow Born From a young age, you displayed strange talents or unusual abilities. Some might believe these powers are a gift and that you are 'chosen' while others may think they are derived from a diabolical pact with an otherworldly being. ????????? --Short You are notably smaller than others of your race.